The brown/light spotting could be implantation bleeding (I hope so). What you may have confirmed at this point is that the trigger has left your system.
Some women have a better idea after day 10/11. I'll have my second beta on Friday and hopefully it's somewhere near 300. I had my first beta today and it came back at 149.9. I got my first positive on Sunday (5dp5dt), and the line has gotten darker since then. Seems too early (and too light) to be AF, and I don't normally cramp for this many days during AF, but naturally I'm thinking the worst.
(I am a low beta kinda girl - my singleton Hi all,This is my first post here and my first IVF cycle. I got a really faint bfp with a superdrug super sensitive test, with first morning wee on 8dp5dt.Meanwhile started delestrogen injections every 3 days. Quick recap of the cycle - I did 11 days of BCP, overlapping with the start of Lupron for 6 days.